Tuesday, April 14, 2015

#Exercise 8

#Exercise 8
False premises

Yes, the argument is based on sound reason premises that lower production = higher petrol.

False premises, people can’t move from city to other side because of pollution, if they move there also it will polluted too.

No, its false premises, not all people can marry because the different type of ages, younger and children can’t marry, so it’s a wrong statistic.

False premises, the more numbers of channels don’t make the quality better and higher.


False premises, even the restaurant have a good menu, they can’t feel every table every night, because a lot of facts happen, also maybe they need a big restaurant.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Exercise #7

The man who’s married two women should live in same house.

There are men’s that married two women, some of them live in the same house and the other lives in separate house.

If the man who’s marry two women want them to live in same house, he must first ask them and make them both meet each other so they can know each other. When they will live in the same house, they must confirm that everyone can use the same things for example the kitchen, they need two kitchen, garden and the all part of the house accept their own rooms. They can set with each other and their children can set and play together because they are brothers and sisters. The husband must treat equally to both women so they can feel their rights and never complain that he treats the other more than the other wife and loves the both wives equally. Also it strengthens the link of love and kinship between them, between his wife’s and children and become one strong family. If the husband want his children’s from the both wife’s and his wives, he can find them in the same house without going to other place. If one of the wives needs a help and their children, they can help each other and its better from getting help from others. Also the both wife’s will feel safe more than their alone, because the husband between them and their brothers and sisters, so they will not be afraid. The wives must love the relationship so they can support each other and their husband.

In conclusion, I think that man who have two women and live in same house is better than they are in separate, because it’s better for him and  his children’s to become one family and strong together.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Exercise #6


The following are the basic factors of an argument:
·          A position or a point of view
·         An attempt to persuade others to accept that point of view
·          Reasons given to support that point of view.
·         Conclusion

Read the following passage and identify the following:

Main argument:

Those pregnant women with pure invulnerable systems become conscious of the dangerous that cats make it.  

Reasons that support the argument:

Cats carrying prepared sick called protozoa. If the pregnant women get infected, the fetus also will effected by the parasites and cause serious congenital damage. They may lose their ability to see and also they can’t move either.


Cats can carry a lot of different types of disease that can affect the humans without knowing about them cause dangerous risks.

It is important that pregnant women and those with a pure immune systems become aware of the potential risks posed by cat. Many of us keep cats as house pets without realizing the dangers they may be harboring. Cats are hosts to infectious protozoa that cause disease in mammals such as humans. Adult humans rarely showed signs of significant disease if they become infected. However, if pregnant women become infected, the fetus can become infected by parasites and suffer serious congenital damage. In the worst cases, infants may lose their eyesight and acquire motor deficits. In people with poor immune systems or AIDS protozoa can cause seizure and death. The symptoms of the disease are not evident in cats so there is no way of knowing if a particular cat is at risk. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Exercise #5

Product: New Television

1-Improved attention and observation.

First of all I will observe what kind of TV should I buy and see what people use and can stay for long time, so I will see my family, friends and the shops that sells TV’s and what kind of brands that have a good and better quality, so finally decide that I want a Samsung TV by observation.   

2-More focused reading.

There are many kinds of Samsung TV, so I need to make research, there is TV with wireless and Bluetooth, USB, camera and video cam, and HD quality and the 3D, also the different size of the screens.

3-Improved ability to identify the key points in a text or other message rather than becoming distracted by less important material.

I decided to buy the Samsung with HD quality, because it had a good quality for watching movies and news clearly and it’s a slim and not heavy, you can put it on the wall or cabinet. Also it has a good screen for the eyes and never effect so I like to have one of these.  

4-Improved ability to respond to the appropriate points in a message.

I will go to the Samsung shop or any electronic shops to see and ask about the TV and what come with it, and see the offers that given by the shop and see what is the best offer and take it and try the TV with all what in the box of it.

5-Knowledge of how to get your own point across more easily.

When I go to the shop I will ask the worker there about the TV and what is good or bad in it, does a lot of people buy it and what the accessories can I buy with it.

6- skills of analysis that you can choose to apply in a variety of situations.

I can use the same strategy to buy a new electronic devices because if you want a good thing for you and what you want you will follow from step #1 to step #5.

Exercise #4

Barriers to Critical Thinking

1.     Misunderstanding what is meant by criticism.
Criticism is act of expressing disapproval and of noting the problems or faults of a person or thing: the act of criticizing someone or something like when you say something in a bad way or in a negative way and never remain the good things.
For example:  

2.     Lack of methods and strategies.
Lack of methods is when you want to do something but you don’t know how to do it, also you need to follows the steps so you can make it, or you will fail. 
For example: if you didn’t know the steps of solving physics question you can’t solve it.

3.    Lack of practice.
Lack of practice is when you have knowing about doing something and maybe you have done it before long time ago but in the current time you can’t do it as good as in the past because you need to practice on doing it. 
For example: if you play football weekly and you are good in it, after you didn’t play for a current time and you come back to play , you will not be good as before, so you need practice and doing training.

4.     Reluctance to criticize those with more expertise.
When someone have little experience want to say something and tell his opinion to someone that had more experience but he can’t because he is little than him and scare for his answer and get angry.
For example: 

5.     Affective reasons.
Affective reasons is when your emotional distract you from your argument, it could add a lot of power to your reasons but most of the time you will lose control and start to be angry. 
For example: a girl will be angry if someone said that her favorite singer doesn’t have the qualifies to be a good singer.

6.     Mistaking information for understanding.
Learning is a way to develop your skills in finding the solutions for the problem and to work hard with your brain to find the answers for your self, and some of the students don’t want to work their brains, the want the solutions and the answers ready for them with no effort from their side. 
For example: In the Math class some of the students want the teacher to solve the equation on the bored instead of solving it by their own which is better because everyone will know where is his weakness and where he’s mistaken.

7.     Insufficient focus and attention to detail.

Critical thinking needs to pay attention to every details and some of the weak critical thinkers give a judgment based on what he generally sees which is totally wrong because in critical thinking you will need to search deeper. 

For example: there’s a crime and one of the suspects is covered with the victim blood and they said that he’s the murderer which could be and couldn’t because they didn’t search and focused more in the case because this is not a really good evidence

Exercise #3

Exercise #3
My 20 words Paragraph


1) My favorite hobby is reading.
2) I like to drive big cars.
3) Family and friends is most important things to me.
4) I like the person who stay the same what he is.
5) i like a book called friends is your second family.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Case study #2

1) Because Yolanda's husband died she decided to sell the three cars that her husband owned to buy one new car.
2) Because Yolanda sells the cars to the people that her husband like them.
3) Because her husband hid the money and the buyers found the money after works.
4) Because the two buyers have good uses for money.

The advice for Vince is he must tell Yolanda about the money and take her permission, because she owned the money.